Bi-Annual Fall Consignment Auction
This auction was held August 29th, 2020
Grogg-Martin Bi-Annual Fall Consignment Auction
August 29th, 2020, 9:00am – 3:00pm
Check-In Dates: August 26th, 27th, and 28th from 8am – 6pm
Cash, Check, Debit/Credit Cards Accepted, Food Wagon Will Be Onsite
All items will be outside in an open-air environment. All auction goers are asked to adhere to 6’ social distancing.
Contact us today to consign and for details or give us a call at (260) 350-7331
John Deere 4840-New Paint, Tires, and Cab Kit, 8,228 hours and mint condition; John Deere 7700 Turbo Combine 4812 hours-very nice; International 1586 w/ 5,664 hours-very nice; International 350-Gas-Restored; International Model M with factory steel wheels; 1993 International Flatbed-130,000 miles-7.3 Non Turbo-Allison Transmission; New Holland 3930 Tractor w/ 180 Koyker Loader; Case Running Gear; 6 Row Corn Head Reel; 48’ Van Trailers; Walker Mower 20H.P. 48” Deck; John Deere 4020 Gas w/ cab, original fenders, and a/c; Western 8’ Straight Plow w/wiring harness; Western 8’ MVP Plow w/o hiring harness; Ford 3000 Tractor w/ cab, Woods blade, and Front Hydraulic Plow; Case DC-4-Restored; Cub Cadet 123 Lawn Tractor; Belarus 800 Tractor; Allis Chalmers WD45 Narrow Front; Allis Chalmers B-Restored; Allis Chalmers CA Narrow Front; 1986 IHC DT466 10 SPEED tandem air brakes; Axel: air lift steerable tag axel 22.5 inch tires; John Deere 323E TracLoader; Gehl 5635 TURBO Skid loader w/heat; New Holland TR70 Combine-2,547 hours; 2004 Chevrolet Blazer-203,000 miles – 4wd; 1983 Ford F700 cab/chassis – 98,500 miles; 2000 Ford F250-151,000 miles w/ Western Plow-7.3 Diesel-Gooseneck Plate; Allis Chalmers F30-24PS 3000# Fork Lift; International 1486 snap on duals 20.8 x 538 – 25% rubber left
Case IH 8430 Round Baler; Square Baler ¼ turn bale drop chute; AC 2 bottom 3 point plow; Winpower Corp Generator-540 PTO; Goosen Leaf Vac-11 H.P. Honda Engine; Mensch 1100 6’ Side Shooter Bedder; Athens Plow Co. 3pt Disc; 10.00X16 3 Rib Tire on 6 bolt rim; 16” X 6” Sprunger Wagon Rim; P245/65 R17 Good Year Fortera Rim; Heston 5800 Round Baler; Case IH 5100 Soybean Special Drill-Very Nice; Hay Wagons; Kilbros 250 Gravity Wagon; Flow Gravity Wagon 300; John Deere 210 Grain Table; John Deere F145 3 Bottom Plow; Allis Chalmers 25’ Field Cultivator; McCuroy Gravity Wagon; Agri Fab 8.75 H.P. Debris Collector; Tomahawk 60” Skid loader Bucket; Tomahawk Skid loader Bale Spear; New Idea 3pt. Snow Blower; Log Splitter; Allis Chalmers Side Rake; John Deere 250 Sprayer; Roller Racks; Tables/Chairs; 6 Chicken Crates; 6 row cultivators; 6 row rotary hoe; New Idea 325 2 row Narrow Corn Picker; Many Hog Feeders/Slat Gates/Fences/Water’s w/ rods for pens; Redekob 4250 Chopper Attachment
Auctions & Real Estate
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All the auctioneers and ring clerks and workers are funny, honest, and try their best to get it all right to please bidders and consignees alike!
Always a good place to go to get a item of your choosing.